Saturday, October 01, 2005

Yet here we are

One might think that a post tonight would focus on either the Red Sox, Yankees, Indians, Astros or Phillies, since they're the only four teams playing meaningful baseball right now.

But no, I have to dip into the steroid well, because there was a Mark McGwire sighting in St. Louis. So, Big Mac, were you there to talk about the past?

"I've moved on from it and I wish the media would," McGwire said. "I've made my statement in Washington, that's my statement, and when I left Washington that's the last time I was ever going to talk about it, and that's really about it."

Yes, the last time he was going to talk about it was the time he said he...wasn't going to talk about it.

He goes on.

"That statement comes from the heart and that's the way it is," McGwire said. "When I left there, I'm never going to talk about it again...I'm a very positive person and I just wish everybody else would be positive...I know [members of the press] have been very negative towards me and that's your job, but I'm a very positive person and I've moved on."

Hey, Tony La Russa, care to comment?

"I'll see you all later," he snapped. "That question shouldn't even be asked. Haven't we had a positive great season, a great 40-year history?"

Yikes. The AP Story goes on:

Then La Russa slammed his fungo bat on a wall.

This is just a sad, sad situation. But then again, here I am, gleefully, half-drunkenly posting it in my blog. So what do I know?


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